Sunday, August 12, 2012

Moving In

Moving in to a new apartment, a new home, or a new classroom, is all the same.  It's fun and it's stressful.  I walked into a classroom of bold, eye-sorching color painted on the walls.  After sitting in the middle of my room on the floor, I determined the blue walls could stay and the green MUST go!  After all, the colors were so busy and distracting, I'm certain the students nor I would be successful with all that going on in there.  I decided I could work with the blue and add a neutral to the two green walls to tone it down several notches.  As any great teacher knows, it's important to set the stage for a creative, mind-bending adventure in a room where STUDENTS will fill the space with vivid works of excellence and productivity.  So, here's the room before:

Once I painted my new color over the green and laid down my coveted, hand-me-down rug from my co-worker (the stars rug) and the striped rug (I already had), I finally hung the bunting up that I made for the 4th of July.  I snapped a picture of my efforts so far, and as I studied the picture I just took it occurred to me.  What I love is all there in an abstract manner-- America, and all it stands for-- red, white, blue, and baseball! :)  So, what was going to be a baseball/Texas Rangers theme is now a more general theme- Stars and Stripes Forever-- Quinn style!

I'll post my Pinterest inspired projects soon.  Stay tuned!

Friday, August 3, 2012

It's Official

I finally received the call I've been waiting for all summer...I'm officially teaching 4th grade reading and writing at Wood Elementary!!!!!!  I'm so excited about this opportunity.  It is after all, my passion and my comfort zone.  

I have so many things to do now!  I must paint, design the layout, establish organization, get something great planned for my new 4th graders, and switch my Facebook account to a "page"!!!  I've got a few tricks up my sleeve, so I'm making lists, pinning ideas, and getting on roll.  

My professional FB page: